Wisdom's contracted excavator went out on Friday 4/12 and started to cut and fill to the correct RL. However, half way through the job they figured that their was more fill to remove then they were contracted to export. This was in fact correct - as the demo team spread some soil (approx 150tonne) from the original pool overburden around the block. I am not sure why the contractor did half of the cut & fill before realising there was more soil...but they did...and then stopped work. Afer some communications with the construction manager at Wisdom - I was told the only way to move forward was if we got our own contractor back in to get the site slope back to the original RL. This is easier said then done - as their was quite a complicated slope on our block - and Wisdom contractor had already excavated and shifed hundreds of tonnes of soil. Anyway, as we wanted things to move, I organised my own excavator to reverse what Wisdom excavator had done - and then remove all the excess soil. We finally got this all completed on the 15th December and handed the site back to Wisdom.
On the 23/12 - Wisdom excavator went back out and then completed the cut and fill to the correct benching for the slab. This altered the look of the site heaps! We now have a 1.2m high 'filled' area where the front left section of the slab will go. This will ultimately be contained by the dropped edge beam. They also had to cut around 1m at the back. Some pictures:
We also got a call from 'F' at Wisdom on the 23rd - who is likely going to be our Site Supervisor. He told us that the concretor is booked in for the 13th Jan to start work on our peiring and slab. We should have a slab by the end of January.
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